Church / Missionaries Project

Visions & Actions

God has always wanted to communicate his message to all people and to do so he has used us, men and women providing us with countless ways and means to do so.

God’s visions are clear messages established in his word to give us direction, in this way fulfilling for Him the work of salvation and transformation of the world for which He separated and sent us.

To achieve the visions, we must take effective actions, previously trained by God and implemented and energized by the Holy Spirit, we prepare ourselves day by day to fulfill the purpose of Glorifying God.




A clear perception of the eternal God, living and true, infinite, sovereign, creator and supreme governor of Heaven and Earth; glorious in holiness, free from wickedness and sin, worthy of all honor, trust and love.


See yourself as a child of God, chosen from our mother’s womb to be instruments of blessing in the hands of God. This vision promotes the constant search for God for the restoration of the inner being, genuine surrender of the heart, total transformation of my life, applying the biblical text (Rom.12:1-2) 


See yourself as a child of God, chosen from our mother’s womb to be instruments of blessing in the hands of God. This vision promotes the constant search for God for the restoration of the inner being, genuine surrender of the heart, total transformation of my life, applying the biblical text (Romans 12:1-2) 


Love for the Holy Land, Land loved by God for the blessing of the nations. (Psalms 122)


Love for the world created by God, Love for the lost, establishment and expansion of the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth. John 3:16

Targeted actions:

Total search for God.

Praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching therewith with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18.

Praising, worshiping, watching (vigils), fasting, interceding for all people and the world, always giving thanks to God and Father for everything.


Fulfillment of the Great Commission wherever we are or go. Mark 16:15-18


Forming men and women, for evangelization and discipleship, through the study of the Word of God, having the disciplines to memorize, learn, and meditate. Part of this knowledge is given through teaching through different training courses: Sound doctrine, Biblical Theology, thematic training and ministerial support. 2 Peter 1:5-9


Empowering disciples to Multiply.

But the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory in Jesus Christ, after you have suffered a little while, may himself perfect, establish, strengthen and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

Affirm, establish and root ourselves in God and his word, in his presence, in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in his work, consolidate ourselves in the family of God and in eternity.


Achieving the Mission, commissioning disciples to the world.  “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 15:15

After training suitable men and women, they are sent to go into the world and continue expanding the Kingdom of God and forming disciples for Christ.


The importance of gathering

Let us not stop meeting together, as is the custom of some, but let us encourage one another; and even more so now that we see that day approaching. HEBREWS 10:25

Family Reunion (RIO):

Meeting of Renewal, Intimacy and Prayer, which is held every weekend where all parishioners gather to worship God and listen to his word. 

They did not stop meeting in the temple even for a single day. From house to house they broke bread and shared food with joy and generosity. ACTS 4:26
Ladies Meeting:

Group of ladies gathered for the purpose of honoring God and being edified with the word in their various needs.

Enhance the role of women from a Christian perspective, strengthening the different areas of their lives. We seek for all women, whether they are single, married, separated and/or divorced, to have an encounter with Christ.  

“The woman who fears the Lord, she will be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her deeds praise her in her gates” Proverbs 31:30
Organized Christian Entrepreneurs (CEO) Meeting:

Specialized open group of entrepreneurs, businessmen and professionals who gather around God to receive his fresh and renewed word and continue growing spiritually, emotionally and professionally.

And let them try to live in peace, and go about their business and work with their own hands, just as We have commanded them, so that they may conduct themselves honorably with outsiders, and have no need of anything. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Couples Meeting:

Marriages that surrender at the feet of Christ, to be built up in the word of God and to be able to fulfill with love and freedom the role that Pope God entrusted to them.

Living wisely and honorably, humbled to the cross, being one so that we may not have discord and two so that we may have company, and that ties may not be easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
Youth Meeting (ISAT – International Student Association of Theotherapy):

The purpose of this is to form young people for Christ, willing and available for every good work, teaching them biblical principles so that they are protected and freed from all influence of evil, and thus they can be better children, better brothers, future leaders and parents of blessing.

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, conduct, love, spirit, faith and purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


The purpose of this meeting is to build, cement, teach and root the children in the word of God, based on what is expressed in Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”